Working remotely from home in the COVID-19 crisis

3 min readApr 1, 2020

Working remotely in the COVID-19 crisis can be a challenge for many businesses. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to sweep the globe, businesses are sending their workers to work from home. This brings with it a new set of challenges for businesses to keep going, and a new set of challenges for workers now working remotely.

We would like to extend our arms and hearts out to the people who are finding it hard to now work from home. It can be a challenge for those accustomed to working in an office. Many agencies, us included, are somewhat used to being a remote workforce. We often find ourselves working remotely with clients from across the world, so we have some experience in this field. But for those not accustomed to working remotely it can be a challenge.

Here are some tips on how to stay connected and effective at work, even from home:

Embrace the working remotely challenge

Get dressed!

Get up at your normal time, shower and get dressed as if you are going to work — because you are. You are just not commuting anymore. It’s important that the body and mind are in work-mode, and it’s hard if you aren’t wearing pants!

Set up a dedicated area

A dedicated space to work is key when working from home. By creating a dedicated area that is your ‘office’ it is easier to get into work-mode.

Check in with your team

Make sure you check in with your team, communicate frequently and let everyone know who’s doing what and what is being done. A good tip is to have a 15 min check in call with everyone on a daily basis, run through what you did yesterday, what you are working on today and any issues that have popped up. Remember, you are still accountable for your output!

Stick to a schedule

Make a plan and stick to a schedule. If you don’t, the laundry might say it needs to be done, another cup of tea needs to be brewed and all of a sudden the day is gone.

Stay connected

In this COVID-19 crisis we are facing, feeling isolated can be a real issue. One way to get some relief is to set up a virtual party with your teammates, join a live dance party online, or a live streaming workout. Here at K&i we are joining our fellow coworkers from Studio Smorgasbord for some virtual Friday drinks.

And if you want to have a chat, feel free to reach out to us on WhatsApp.

Having the right tools

When working remotely there are two things that are crucial; a good internet connection and having the right tools. Here’s a list of some of the tools we use and a few others, a lot of them do the same things so it’s often a case of preference.

Video conferencing

Google Hangouts



Project planning


Online whiteboard


File sharing

Firefox Send

Read our tips on how to have effective and productive remote meetings.

Originally published at on April 1, 2020.




Kandi is a creative design and branding agency specialising in brand design, graphic design and digital design.